Check out my Slide Show!
Saturday, June 30, 2007

wendy dindn't leave GRR!!
Saturday, June 23, 2007


i just don't like her attitude.. thats it.. I don't wanna judge her too much on this..

teEnaGE LYf
Friday, June 22, 2007

ok so there comes a time in a girls life that she will have crushes, suitors, MU's and other matters of the heart-I think this is it..

I don't know how to start this.. ok so there's this guy in my workshop who said that he's atracted to me, texts me almost every night with compliments and other things giving in more hints that he likes me, I didn't think that it would work out.. I really like him before but I don't know.. it doesn't feel right.

ok and then there's this other guy also who watched our grand concert recital and then said that he really likes me too since he watched me.. he said he can't get me out of his head.. It was really sweet but I don't know him that much yet, but still I'm giving em a chance..

and then there's my classmates before (my former co-ed school) I don't know I think there's 3 of em.. they said that they liked me before.. but I think it was just before cuz now I don't see em anymore..

and then there's these guys from friendster who asks for my no. I think there were 4 of em.. but still I don't easily trust strangers.. still one of em called me in my cell.. good thing my parents didn't freak out! (I only give out my no. so that I can have txt other meaning)

and then there's a guy from my service who keeps agreeing with people who asks him if he likes me.. but I'm having doubts.. i don't think he likes me at all.. he's too quiet and not all guys can like me.. I'm not perfect! but before people said that me and taht guy were MU cuz i like him and they think he feels the same..

and then another guy from multiply.. he said he's atracted to me.. but I think he's too old for me.. and maybe he's just fooling around..

and now.. my crushes.. ZAC EFRON!! and mhyne!!.. I had many many crushes.. but they are my current crushes!

and i just wanna include that I'm not bragging this stuff. c'mon everyone has suitors,crushes and MU's duh!! I just want my teenage experiences to be memorable and shared to all :D

A RaNdoM BLoG EntRy
Sunday, June 17, 2007

ok so this Blog entRy is kinda random.. these are just some pictures I would like to post so uh.. just close your eyes if you don't wanna see em'..

< this is what I look like when I'm in front of the computer..

I'm b0red in the house so I took pictures..>>>>>


my jhonsons baby cologne picture taken on robinsons>>>>>

< vacation


me after my mini concert >>

center 4 art friends>>

being a certified camwhore.. lol>>

another enTry abOut schO0L
Saturday, June 16, 2007

note: expect my entries to be all about school.. (well duh!.. I'm forced to be in it for a whole year) so DEAL WITH IT!.. lol

ok so this week was crazy, we hardly have any lessons due to *long list drops* SSC campaigns, votings, silly teachers, decorating classrooms, hanging out with friends and crush and *another long list drops* (I don't wanna bore you to death)

anyways it's crazy.. "but why do you have homework?".. well that's because I do.. happy now?.. LOL sorry, well our teachers give us homeworks so we could enjoy ourselves rather than watching TV.. sleeping ..eating.. playing.. internet.. HAVING FUN IN A TEENAGE WAY! *realizes* I'm being sarcastic again arn't I?.. "YES"

ok so even if there's assignments it's no big deal.. it's fun anyways.. one of our teacher even calls assignments "homedelight" instead of homework!.. *sigh* the word "delight" doesn't change the fact that it's still WORK .. but still it
DOES sound better!

so enough about complaints..

I just love our new classroom.. one of our teachers even said that it looks like a nursery room or a baby shower party.. (which is perfect cuz' our adviser is pregnant) you know. with the pink and green colors and pink stars.. and wall splat cut out.. and waivy, curly wall decors.. gosh! it's so eye catching.. it's soo cool!

Blog Thing QuizzeS
Friday, June 15, 2007

You Are 68% Real
You know who you are, and you're pretty darn comfortable with yourself.
Like everyone, you struggle with the parts of yourself that aren't so great...
But you're good at accepting who you are and not dwelling on your faults.
As a result, you're confident, optimistic, and very real.
How Real Are You?

hOw is My self EsteeM?

You Have Low Self Esteem 28% of the Time
Generally, you feel pretty darn great about who you are, even when you mess up or fail.
Occasionally, a huge setback will make you question yourself, but you pick yourself up quickly.
How is Your Self Esteem?

I soo need to knooww! he's soo0o double sided

Hmmm... Maybe He's Interested!
He seems to be giving you mixed or muted signals
Which may mean you've been giving him the wrong messages
When he pauses to notice you, give him a little more attention.
A little encouragement may go a long way with this guy!
Is He Into You?

thIs is slightly wr0ng, I am creative but I am also LogIcal.. i just prefer art and mUsiC more than LogIc and math.. I'm kinda sarcastic so it means I could also be slihtly left brained.. maybe

You Are 0% Left Brained, 100% Right Brained
The left side of your brain controls verbal ability, attention to detail, and reasoning.
Left brained people are good at communication and persuading others.
If you're left brained, you are likely good at math and logic.
Your left brain prefers dogs, reading, and quiet.

The right side of your brain is all about creativity and flexibility.
Daring and intuitive, right brained people see the world in their unique way.
If you're right brained, you likely have a talent for creative writing and art.
Your right brain prefers day dreaming, philosophy, and sports.
AreYou Right or Left Brained?

what's mY brAin GendEr?

Your Brain is 73% Female, 27% Male
Your brain leans female
You think with your heart, not your head
Sweet and considerate, you are a giver
But you're tough enough not to let anyone take advantage of you!
What Gender Is Your Brain?

fUn..w0rk.. SCHOOL
Thursday, June 14, 2007

ok so I am so happy with school right now, being a peace officer is nowhere near hard.. LOL I think I could be the one starting the noise in our room.. but that's alright I'ts for fun, I'm no kill joy.

so speaking of school. Our first two group activities were like soooo fun and not only fun- I had perfect scores in both.. and I have been doing pretty well so far in class, luckily they made the recitation grades higher than the written percentage of grades.. yay!

my teachers are nicer than the last ones, but I sure miss our adviser before!
I have great friends to hang out with, and new friends too:) hopefully I could keep them!

wow my new Blog Layout

I just LOVE my new layout.. yay!!.. thank you joey.. soo mats!! :D

scho0L is HeRe
Wednesday, June 6, 2007

ok so I know that in my previous blog entry.. i was NOT excited about school.. but now It's different!

now I met all my classmates and friends.. I was so excited for all the fun and other stuff.. ok so there was 3 days of school till this entry..

day 1-m0nday

= my section was very hard to memorize cuz' its long.. LOL.. but my classmates, luckily are very nice and not that naughty.. BBUUTT.. nnoooooooooo! my "so called crush" is NOT in my section, I was soo sad about that!.. but still "crush" misses me and that's good enough, and also we still talk during recess and lunch!

day 2-tuesday

= I was very touched when I saw the bonding of my section last year.. even though we all have diff. classrooms and section.. we still stayed in the place where we used to hang out before every morning.. and of course that includes "crush".. we still talk a lot and obviously, we miss each other! (too bad I can't cut classes with crush anymore) <--- not what you think!!

day 3-wednesday

= election of class officers.. so let's cut to the chase.. I was voted as peace officer!.. if you ask me, that position is kinda low compared to the position I was in last year (president).. but i sure love being a peace officer.. its waaayy easier than being a class president..

I am sooo busy with school now.. so i don't know if I could keep up with my blog.. and with my youtube.. so excuse me for that!

NOTE: "crush's name will not be mentioned due to unsureness of feelings"

back to schoOl guIde QuotES
Sunday, June 3, 2007

IF I'm gunna be FORCED to go back to scho0l.. (lol) I might as well follow these QUOTES:

  • "The important thing is never to stop questioning." - Albert Einstein
  • "Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world" - Albert Einstein
  • "When a teacher calls a boy by his entire name, it means trouble." - Mark Twain
  • "Some students drink at the fountain of knowledge. Others just gargle." - E.C. McKenzie
  • "Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is what you get if you don't." - Lydia M. Child

wow! this stuff is pretty deep.. hopefully I can understand after reading it twice.. LOL.. kidding=D

Saturday, June 2, 2007


today is sunday..I am so not ready for scho0l.. it feels like our summer vacation just started and now its already school???... why.. why.. why? what did I do wrong???..

ok so I'm over reacting!

but still.. even though I'm kinda.. I repeat.. KINDA excited I still hate going home late and waking up early and learning grr.. even though I'm one of the top 10 in class.. I still wanna have fun and not learn at all..


maybe IT wouldn't be too bad, I might as well enjoy it with my friends rather than mope around the house in front of our computer.. which, BTW is soo cool..!

still I should consider field trips, PE, lunch recess, and other fun school activities I am forced to do!


==I hate teachers who don't understand what students go through just to make their projects..
==I hate it when they don't give us enough time for it.. and then get MAD when its not good enough.. and THEEN say that they DID give us enough time..
==I hate it when they DO give us enough time but other teachers also give out projects with the same deadline..
==I hate classmates who are jerks and abnoxious
==I hate failing because of teachers who don't teach at all and just write stuff on the board just to waste chalk!!.. writing "keep quiet".. in BIG HUGE letters.. and then stare at us.. like melting us or something..
==I hate it when someone asks me to do something 3 min. before the bell rings and then when I get back in the classroom late, I get scolded!


CUrLy LocKs
Friday, June 1, 2007

fOr thoSe who Are wonDerIng Why I named My Blog abielle-curlylocks ..hmm here's the answer ..
This is a stolen shot with my bestfriend's camera.. she took that picture for no reason..its not a wig or fake, its100% REAL anyways I inherited my curls from my dad.. at first I hated it cuz' I wanted straight hair.. but I learned to love it=D

My conversatioN With SteLLa HudGenS

THIS IS sO fOr REaL I Chatted With VaneSsa HudgENs' SistEr She tAlkEd To mE with A mic and tHen we ChattED

ok so I edited this and removed our actual conversation.. cuz it might be too personal to post.. so I'll just tell the summary.. she told me about her crushes in scho0l and also about Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron.. we shared compliments and other personal stuff about each other.. i gave her advice about crushes and asked a few requests.. =D and so much more..

sorry about removing the conversation.. its a little too personal and it might spread around

15 weird thing about me

I'm just a normal but kinda WEIRD human being

1. I have a crush on disney male characters.. like.. *prince eric *aladdin *hercules *goofy's son, max.. I think their all HOT!
2. I have more crushes in disney than in real life..
3. I watched the goofy movie 5 times in a row just today! (not counted when I was a kid)
4. when I was a lot younger I used to pretend that I was a dog..
5. I just stopped bottle feeding when I was 8 yrs. old!
6. when i sing in the shower 2 houses can hear me (not exhagerating)
7. I CAN live w/o a cellphone.. but I CAN'T w/o a computer!
8. I talk to myself a lot!
9. I wanna wear I diaper every time I have my period.. (my mom won't let me)
10. I easily get addicted to something..
11. when I still had baby teeth.. I drink the toothpaste in my mouth everytime i brush!.. I don't spit them out!
12. I havn't really found a guy who stood out from the others even If I have so0 many crushes!
13. I don't like watching love stories with my parents.. haha!
14. 4 guys said exactly the same line to me.. just this vacation (I won't say what it is and who they are) I find it funny.. but not funny haha.. funny weird!
15. it took me 30 min. just to make this!

An extreMely go0fy Movie FunnY quOtes

Ha Ha Ha

Memorable quotes forAn Extremely Goofy Movie (2000) (V)

Bobby: [looking at his hands] Did you ever wonder why we are always like wearing gloves?

Goofy: The world will be your clam.

Max: Oyster, Dad.

Goofy: No thanks. I'm saving room for wienies.

Max: Peej, isn't ten hot dogs enough?


Goofy: [sadly] One day you're changing their diapers, the next they're leaving for college.

Pete: [cheerfully] Well, Goof, the way I see it; this is my last night of babysittin'!

Goofy: [as Bobby drives the van away] Goin' already? What about breakfast? You need your three squares a day!

Max: [hanging out of the window] Don't worry, Dad! We'll pick up some donuts on the way!

Max: Gentlemen, welcome to the first day of the rest of our lives!

Bobby: That's pretty deep. You get that line off a bumper sticker?

Goofy: Did you brush your teeth?

Max: Uh-huh.

Goofy: Comb your hair?

Max: Yeah, Dad.

Goofy: Did you put on clean underwear?

Max: [angrily] DAD!


[Goofy has walked into Max's classroom in full 70s attire, and Max is shocked and horrified]

Max: [muttering] Oh no, oh no, oh...

Bobby: Hey Max, is my vision blurred, or doesn't that guy look like your dad?

Goofy: Maxie!

Max: [grabbing and ringing at Bobby's shoulders] Kill me, just kill me now!

Bobby: [half-asleep] Mommy! I didn't do it!

Pete: Okay, stay back, man! I have a biscotti, and I'm not afraid to use it.

Bobby: This place puts rage in "outrageous"



Hello And welcome to my blog.. Its all about me.. wait! not yet done.. and different things like quotes..quizzes.. movies.. pets .. and other topics.. !! there will be more to come.. keep in touch~ Please leave a message on the tagboard before you leave, and don't forget to enjoy! Thank you!

Abielle real name is ABIELLE.. baby- A is just my nickname I am a girl with great dreams.. I love to sing and am usually active in various activities and I LOVE THE INTERNET! its probably my life! LOL.. I'm so easy to be friends with.. fun to hang around with..! BUT I don't easily trust people.. so if you get my trust, that means..... uh.. that means I trust you *watda?!*..


I am having trouble with the comment thingy on the blog entries itself so please just leave what you want to say on the chat box alright?.. and uh enjoy this blog.. my bestfriend worked so hard for this :)

Blog pets!.. Spotty!..

Speak up!


long Ag0:]

May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
October 2007


My Unkymood Punkymood (Unkymoods)

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